Yes, why yes it does, kyrathaba. I'd give you an exemption, but I am in the habit of setting myself impossible goals, and obviously I am in no different position than you: two entries last year, no entries this year... so I need to
strong-arm capable coders into making two apps and deleting all copies of them at release day without releasing, wait... no,
withdraw my old applications and essentially unmake them... ugh. I guess I might settle for simply breaking the space-time continuum.
Everyone who participated: great jobs. I've been looking through them, and while I haven't posted in any topics, that is simply because this years bounty doesn't seem to have much of my needs. (Or maybe my cursory glance is missing the ones that would!) Eiher way, once again, good jobs, and thanks on behalf of all those bums who, like me, tend to be too lazy to register/login and post.