I remember when it used to be considered a common courtesy to tell someone that they'd left their lights on.-Stoic Joker
I did this the other day, lady was sitting in her car in a parking lot waiting for someone and didn't realise her lights were on, (daughter left them on).
The same day a 3 ton van pulled out in front of us and his rear door swung open, the guy in the lane beside us raced up next to him and started blowing his horn and pointing to the back of his van - he got the message.
I think we're still reasonably courteous about these kind of things here in Australia.
A library.-Renegade
As for the library, my wife and I use it all the time - why not? We pay for it, it has resources that would cost us more for if we wanted them at home.
What I do remember is how interesting work used to be, (as a communications technician), before all this globalisation bullshit, before "World's Best Practise" crap, before SJ's dreaded flowchart monkeys took over, before all the team building rubbish, before statistics were more important than the person, (both customer and employee), before it became S.O.P. that it was someone else's responsibility/problem, (ie. back in the 1990s).