Hi all!
First of all, awesome program mouser! I love trying new software and finding those little gems that make your computer experience nicer and this one is one of the best! And good license/sharing your work philosophy!
Said that, I see that f+r has an alias feature that can be really powerful, but it seems to be under used.
I'm sure that it can be a really good tool to control your computer (accessing control panel, enabling/disabling tv out, turning off pc, etc.) just knowing the right windows command (maybe with the aid of third party tools) and assigning it an alias for fast access or to exploit webpages and search engines potential.
But I don't see many posts talking about new aliases to do new things and sharing new ones. (sorry, because I'm a new forum reader so maybe I missed them).
IMHO, it would be really nice to have an organized way of sharing new aliases with the rest of the users, something like a small online searcheable database of aliases, each one with a short description of what it does (in a nice to read format) and the command to be pasted in f+r.
But i know that it would be a lot of work and useless when there are so few of them right now.
In the meantime, maybe an organized way of sharing them through the forum would be nice.
To start sharing, here there are some I have added and use very often:
English Wikipedia search:
1000>>>wp>->Wikipedia Eng |
http://en.wikipedia.org/?search=$$1>+>^wp (.*)
Spanish Wikipedia search:
1000>>>wpes>->Wikipedia Esp |
http://es.wikipedia....ecial:Search?search=$$1>+>^wpes (.*)
English -> Spanish translation using WordReference:
1000>>>enes>->WordReference English -> Spanish |
http://www.wordrefer...lation.asp?tranword=$$1&dict=enes&B10=Search>+>^enes (.*)
Spanish -> English translation using WordReference:
1000>>>esen>->Esp - Eng |
http://www.wordrefer...ranslation.asp?spen=$$1>+>^esen (.*)
Currency conversion:
1000>>>xe>->xe EUR -> USD |
http://www.xe.com/uc.../convert.cgi?Amount=$$1&From=EUR&To=USD>n>xe USD -> EUR |
http://www.xe.com/uc.../convert.cgi?Amount=$$1&From=USD&To=EUR>n>xe EUR -> GBP |
http://www.xe.com/uc.../convert.cgi?Amount=$$1&From=EUR&To=GBP>n>xe GBP -> EUR |
http://www.xe.com/uc.../convert.cgi?Amount=$$1&From=GBP&To=EUR>+>^xe (.*)
RAE dictionary search:
1000>>>rae>->RAE |
http://buscon.rae.es...TIPO_BUS=3&LEMA=$$1>n>DRAE |
http://buscon.rae.es...TIPO_BUS=3&LEMA=$$1>+>^rae (.*)
Bittorrent search:
1000>>>tor>->Torrentz |
http://www.torrentz.com/s.php?q=$$1>n>TorrentSpy |
http://www.torrentsp...om/search.asp?query=$$1>n>TorrentTyphoon |
http://www.torrentty....com/default.aspx?q=$$1>n>Mininova |
http://mininova.org/search/?search=$$1>n>Bittorrent |
http://search.bittor...om/search.jsp?query=$$1>n>Pirate Bay |
http://thepiratebay.org/search.php?q=$$1>+>^tor (.*)
And accessing my most frequently used webpages like:
1000>>>gmail>->Gmail |
1000>>>netvibes>->Netvibes |
I know most of them are 'Spanish related', but I'm from Spain
, i hope they will be useful for somebody or give new ideas of new commands to add to their own collection.
All of them fall in the category of 'exploiting search engines potential', I got the ideas for them from the YubNub search engine.
If somebody doesn't know it, YubNub it is a 'social commandline for the web' and has literally thousands of commands like these!!
Just write 'ls' in their search box (or 'ls <something>' to narrow the search) and you will find tons of commands to do nearly anything with the search engines that exist out there.
To add it to f+r, just copy the url related to the command that you want to use from YubNub and replace %s by $$1 in FARR and you are done!
Or, add this alias and you will have all the power of YubNub in FARR
YubNub commandline:
1000>>>yn>->YubNub |
http://www.yubnub.or...arser/parse?command=$$1+$$2>+>^yn ([^\s]+)(?:\s)?(.*)
yn wp test --> Look up 'test' in the English Wikipedia
yn gim test --> Performs a Google Image search for 'test'
I just prefer to add the ones that i use most as direct aliases so i have to type less and they work faster because YubNub doesn't need to parse it.
P.S. The way that yubnub allows searching and looking up its commands could be a good one for aliases database too