Farr is my most loved app. I use it to launch everything, and i hope soon, it'll have even more uses.
But I'd like Farr to be my calculator.
Without bugging mouser to include this in Farr, i can just add a groups alias that has a regex that detects mathematics operators (something like:
((.*)+(.*))|((.*)-(.*))And then, associate it with a ahk script that takes command line parameters, and have the group alias launch it with the expression that i type.
Up until now, everything is easy. The problem is, making the program that does the calc.
I tried something like:
if 0 < 1 ; if there are not command line parameters, exit
Loop %0%
counter := %a_index%
StringReplace CompleteExpr, Expr,`,,.,ReplaceAll
Result:=0 + Expr
But the line "Result:=0 + Expr" isn't interpreted as i expected, Expr has to be a number, and it's an expression
Any ideas?
Or maybe some command line app that does this?
Hope you can help me! thanks!