I've had black screens for several seconds each time too - that's if I was lucky enough for it to connect at all. For it to work means not having the touchscreen connected during startup; it's as simple as that. I was prepared to accept that, it was simple enough, I just plug the MIMO in after everything else has loaded in...
...but today, not even that worked. This is on a machine that hasn't changed since the last time the MIMO was connected (two days ago). So, what's happened? Nothing has changed on the machine (that I'm aware of) and yet the MIMO decided it just didn't feel like waking up today (you may be right about the Monday Morning model).
So, I can't get the touchscreen to work if I boot up with it plugged in. In this scenario, it doesn't make the screens go black - it just doesn't do anything at all; the system has no idea that it's there. On my previous computer it would struggle to do something in this configuration - but it amounted to nothing more than making a blue LED blink and a ping noise repeat constantly (the sound of a USB device trying to connect).
And now, it doesn't even work plugging the device in after startup. I'm not prepared to keep messing about with it anymore. There was absolutely no good reason for it not to work this morning.
It's too late to send back to Amazon, I've checked. I suppose I could send it back and say it's not fit for purpose or something but I suspect that it will work fine if I plug it into a system with less monitors attached. So, not fit for purpose isn't really the truth.
I'll see what happens when I get around to using it with another machine. Maybe I'll be quite happy with it then.
Having said all that. One thing I've not tried is letting the machine wait at a login screen during startup. Maybe that's the trick that makes it work. I'll give it one last try sometime this week. If it doesn't work then, I'll probably attempt to snap the screen over my knee.