Nice! It doesn't really work with my way of browsing, but I'm sure it'll find its audience.
Thanks. Yeah, it's more for the "blank page" or "speed dial" crowd. One thing about Chromium, if you bring it up blank, even if the disk is quite busy it loads in snappy fashion.
I tend to play around too much with the snap shots though. After diddling around with a bunch of the 17.x versions I've gone back to trusty rusty Oct. 4 16.0.900.0. Just seems very solid and I haven't seen anything I want in 17.x
A bit off topic but have you noticed the Disable Hyperlink Auditing flag in about:flags ?? Apparently the next scheme for html5 is every time you click a link, a notice is sent to the tracking site. Doesn't need tracking cookies anymore. It goes over in real time.
When I first noticed it I thought it was a ping to make sure the site existed before trying to load the page. Uh, not quite!!