Nice, but why didn't you enter this for NANY2012?
Mouser told me to, but I am so busy right now with other things (I published this a month or two ago, but didn't announce it) that I didn't take the time to fully read what it entails and such, and .. well, I just wanted to throw it out there .... Also, for all I know, I'll be dead by Jan 1 ;p.
I DO have an update for it *almost* ready, drag and drop support to drop REG files into it and an installer that bundles the 32-bit and 64-bit builds into one and registers a shell association with .REG files. However, gotta finish that up and get it on out. After that, and testing, it's 1.0 afaik. I mean, sure, I could add more features, but it's a simple thing, and should stay that way.