I find it funny all this outrage at U. S. companies doing this (not saying it's not wrong, just read on). Meanwhile it happens to U. S. companies and people just as frequently, if not moreso. The key here is the U. S. computer market provides much of the innovation and many of the largest companies are here. However, in the electronic entertainment industry (consoles, TV's, Stereo's, etc.), Japan is probably the single biggest player with the likes of Sony, Onkyo, et. al. These are all almost double the price in the U. S. over Europe despite the VAT taxes etc. Note, that is EUROPE, not Japan! Likewise, East Asian auto manufacturers trounce American auto manufacturers because they can produce them so much cheaper (for a ton of reasons). Do they lower the prices in the U. S. because of this? Well, yes, to just below their American competition. They don't price it based on a percentage profit, they price it based on what they can get in that area. I understand the outrage, but lets direct it all all industries and countries practicing this, not just the U. S. computer industry.