I don't know of any aggregated uploader components or SNS aggregation components, but if you want to look at the Flickr API, there are components for it that are very good.
I've used Flickr.NET and it's good:
http://flickrnet.codeplex.com/I'm sure there are others. Flickr is nice to work with. They've got their s**t together from what I've seen.
The TwitPic API has components for it that can help as well. Some Twitter components are TweetSharp, Twitterizer, and TwitterVB. There are others as well. Again, from what I've seen, the Twitter-side of things have their s**t together. Very nice to work with.
If you want to upload to Facebook, beware. The Facebook API documentation is nothing short of
NFSW because I have nothing good to say about it
complete and total fucking horseshit with abso-fucking-lutely zero low level documentation and only some shitty fucking JavaScript API crappy examples. It just goes to show how entirely dis-fucking-organized...
Sigh... I need to stop there. You get the idea.
The Facebook API also tends to have breakage in places with little in the way of communication with developers to let them know about fixes or anything. Can we say, "let's be secretive like Apple?"
However, it's still worth looking at because if you find a decent component for the Facebook API, then uploading is pretty simple. (Logging out is the problem...)
For FTP, have you looked at INDY?
Many of the image upload sites have APIs, but I've not tried a lot of them and can't speak as to their sanity levels.
I know that doesn't really address what you're looking for, but perhaps it might help a little bit.