/edit: it is on the contrary almost too late to ask; Pro 2012 including eM Client has left the building ;-)
My Internet Supplier is somewhat different from most ISP companies, because this one also gives me my television, telephone, download music (10 million tracks), rent-a-movie, email account, backup in the clouds, and so on - meaning that most of the time I am logged in. Already being logged in, I may as well read my emails while I am there. They also have a highly effecient filter: I get maybe one or two unwanted mails per week! So, about email clients, well, I have Thunderbird and Outlook 2003, and I like them both, and if you want me to adopt a new one, you better make it out of the ordinary! :-) SoftMaker eM Client is not bad in any way, it is actually quite good, but it is just not that extraordinary.