This is going about it in entirely the wrong way. The only thing it will succeed in doing is to encourage our already secretive governments to become even more secretive. It also plays into the hands of those arguing for increasingly restrictive laws that will ultimately hurt all of us.
What would be the right way? Be a fringe group that nobody listens much, to like the EFF?
I see only one other alternative, and it involves massive levels of physical violence.
Right now, governments are still playing mostly by the rule of law. Those who play outside the rules are naive to think that situation will continue indefinitely if they continue down the road they're on.
There is no rule of law anymore. All that is out the window. A recent news story here in Australia blew me away with politicians promising to keep someone in prison through specific legislation JUST FOR HIM! Wow... So much for the rule of law.
The only rule is about how much money you have.
And even if they are playing by the rule of law, they're only passing legislation to make some animals more equal than others. It's a joke.
The only solution to that problem is to serve up bacon for breakfast.
All that ended with 9/11 the passage of the Patriot Act and subsequent legislation which has turned the United States into what, for all practical purposes, is now a police state with all real power centered in the Executive Branch. And Legislature and Judiciary be damned if they don't like it.
One more brief rest stop on the way to overt national socialism - except in the USA it will use the Bible for its justification and symbolism.
Sorry -- I had to jump on that one for a laugh.
But there is a fundamental difference between the faux democracy in the US (and pretty much the rest of the western "democracies") and national socialism. In national socialism, the government had the power, as opposed to corporations that place their own agents into positions of power in the bureacracy and lobby to push their own agendas.
That rant goes in a different direction, but the point there is that at least with national socialism, you know who your master is. At the moment, the "master" is only a puppet.
Cue any song by Rage Against the Machine...
And now, thanks in small part to the "Patriot Act" (though this has been building since the 1970's), there is a very real similarity between our "democracies" and national socialism. The national socialists had Jews, homosexuals, communists, the mentally retarded, and gypsies to target. (Side note: the death camps murdered over 11 million people, about 6 million of whom were Jewish.) The flip -side there in our 'enlightened democracies' is the 'terrorist'.
"Terrorists take all shapes and forms. It's not just Arabs that are terrorists you know. Your kindly neighbour could be a terrorist. Leave no rock unturned!"
You don't need death camps if you can turn it into a private industry, like oh, perhaps, just maybe,
-- Side note -- This Text Anywhere Editor ROCKS~!