I purchased a Desire, took it home, put in sim, made phone calls.
2 weeks later, I purchased an iphone 4 (for friend). Took it home, put in sim....but wait, to make a phone call I had to boot up computer, do a freaking 79Mb download, do other mumbo jumbo... THEN make a phone call. WTF????? Simple?
[OT: I also remember my first apple experience, on a machine touted as being so intuitive. I was quite happy to delete files by dragging them to the trash can, but couldn't figure out how to eject a disk. Someone suggested I drag the disk icon to the trash can...huh???...thats for DELETING. I never did get used to that. Not intuitive]
I like my desire, she likes her iphone. That's great, to each his/her own. We both happily tease each other about our choices.
When talking on her phone, her ear touching the phone predictably (every second phone call) puts me on hold, or something like that. I'd say her iphone "just works"...in a strange way, as she can't put her ear to the phone without negative consequences.
So far, ALL my android devices work simply and predictably UNLESS I choose to use them in a non simple way (rooting, installing extra "stuff" to push the envelope.)
I guess my point is that if your use is "non-demanding", all platforms are simple and work reliably. Hence I find it of little value to hear that i-stuff "just works" or works simply and predictably, as if other platforms don't.