Don't be too put out on stuff you buy on ebay, I was looking to replace the mobile phone I lost.
And I was very happy to win the bid, but when then item arrived, it was a very bad state, I mean
it more to return to its mint state, as this was the state of the phone I lost.
It is very close to finding itself, in the bin one of these days, when I can be bother to open the drawer I put it in.
Not to mention the old story of purchasing a service, on ebay pay in advance as the contract indicates, setup every thing only to find that service has been withdrawn.
I am slightly waring of anything I bid for in ebay, but I must admit I did have one success, bidded slightly more than what I planned, but the cost was still low enough to be a bargin, albeit for two months until the new price dropped below the bid price, but hey I am still using it, and it still works fine.