@Chris and all interested,
I've added some scripting facilities to the [-f strokesfile] feature, so it's now technically possible to implement your request.
Using such script (an example is included) you can:
- Wait for a window (or title, or exename) to open (--winwait <windowname> [timeout])
- Wait for a window (idem) to close, both with a timeout (--winclose <windowname> [timeout])
- On timeout of the above, either quit or goto a labeled line in the script (--error quit and --error goto <label>)
- Jump to a specific label in the script (--goto <label>)
- Call a subroutine with optional parameters (--gosub <label> [parameter text])
- Return from the subroutine (--return)
- Quit the script (--quit)
- Display a message with optional timeout and parameters support (--msg [timeout,]message text [$params$])
But the difficult part of your request is to interact with the user, Windows and it's applications to determine what to send when and where, and what to wait for, to get the desired 'workflow'.
At least the techy-geek baseline is here
Release is available at the first message in this thread, so, tada: