Another update and now
WinSendKeys 2.5 is released
Latest release & download moved to separate threadThe changelog for 2.5 since the previous release, copied from the script:
; 2011-01-29, version 2.5-beta
; + Added -f strokesfile option to read keystrokes and mousestrokes from named file,
; commandline strokes are handled first
; - Minor adjustments
; 2011-01-30, version 2.5
; ! Avoid ever overwriting the script with debug-log-file (if not .au3 or .exe extension, add .log to scriptname)
; + Added reading settings from optional .ini file:
; Get parameters from .ini file with the same name as this script/exe, only if the file exists, create file manually!
; Sectionname: [Settings]
; Variables:
; delay=100 : delay between keystrokes/mousestrokes sent to the application
; mousestrokes=0 : Enable mousestrokes by setting this to 1
; mousespeed=0 : Speedfactor for mouse move, value between 0 and 100, 0 = immediate, 1 = fast, 100 = slow
; - Documented and optimized script functions
Attachment includes AutoIt3 source, updated readme, a sample strokefile (.stro) and .exe