After dumping RoboForm, I also ended up with Lastpass.
I tried using KeePass, but I got annoyed with it filling the wrong forms. At one point, it accidentally reset the WPA password on my router when it decided to fill a form incorrectly. I was trying to change another field on the page, and I had a hell of a time figuring out why my wife's laptop stopped connecting.
So I switched to Lastpass. I don't like storing my passwords on their servers, but after doing a lot of research, it seems that the strength of the password one uses for Lastpass is the weakest link in their system.
So, my password for Lastpass is 48 random characters long (lower case, upper case, numbers, and symbols). I have a local Keepass database protected with a similarly long and mixed password that I have memorized that only contains my Lastpass password.
The password I use for KeyPass is derived from the description on the back of a specific DVD that happened to be on my desk when I was creating it. I shifted my hands a particular direction from "home row" before typing the first characters of each word, capitalizing when indicated by the source.
When I open my browser, I have to get my password from KeePass to be able to log into LastPass.
Overkill? Maybe. But I feel confident that I'm safe until someone figures out how to break AES in some way other than brute force.