Wow. I thought public transport was bad here (Melbourne).
Traffic is bad in Seoul, but it flows pretty well. The public transportation system is excellent.
A number of years ago they redid the roads to accommodate buses better, and it improved the flow of traffic a lot.
Traveling a functional distance in Seoul is actually quicker than here. It took me about 1.5 hours to get to, and 2 hours to get home from a concert by public transport here where it's only a 20 minute drive with no traffic and 30 or 40 in normal traffic.
Here, public transport can't be relied on to be on schedule, if it shows up at all. On my way to the concert nothing showed up for one scheduled time, and the next one was late. Schedules in Seoul work differently with buses coming every X to Y minutes, e.g. every 5~7 minutes or every 15~20 minutes.
Population density makes a massive difference though. The high population density in Seoul has resulted in an excellent public transportation system. Here, it's very poor in comparison, but population density is much lower.
Hearing above about rural areas, it's not surprising.
I came across this:
http://www.courierma...frer4f-1226019314886SMELLY fellow travellers have been rated among the top pet hates of commuters, along with talking too loudly on mobile phones, service interruptions and poor airconditioning.
The international study of more than 10,000 commuters by workplace solutions provider Regus looked at the major stresses of daily peak-hour travel in six different countries.
In Australia, bad or dangerous drivers topped the list of the "seven deadly sins" of commuting, followed by delays or service interruptions, road rage and loud talkers.
Other commuters' body odour, bad breath or smelly food came in seventh behind overheating and lack of information from service providers.
Although most other countries included in the study had similar pet hates, in Japan rude behaviour was rated the worst commuting offence along with "overweight people taking up too much space".
Commuters' pet hates
* Bad or dangerous drivers
* Delays
* Road rage
* Loud talkers
* Smelly commuters
* Overheating
* Lack of service information
My favorite was Japan though. "overweight people taking up too much space"