Thanks for sharing that. I think it's good stuff.
Some complementary thoughts:
Multiple ways to present the software repository organization : Couldn't all software titles be put in a DB and then, through different filters/queries and sort methods, we could see just what we want in a table/grid like interface ? I'm thinking of Something close to Mantis in terms of functionality, but maybe simpler and nicer (aesthetically).
This would be integrated within the site. It would be easy for the admins to see exactly what needs to be updated, when it was last updated , etc. But maybe is this a terrible idea...
(This wouldn't have to be the only interface : DB data could be formatted differently in other pages where organization would be more static (standard web page))
Redundant info problem (especially regarding bug tracking and suggestions, I suppose...) : as far as bugs and features suggestions are concerned, I think that all that is needed is a relatively strict way to do things. But since it's hard to force users to adhere to specific (even simple) rules, it needs to be mostly implemented by the admin's/mod's responsibilities. This doesn't mean that the users shouldn't adhere to a couple rules (e.g. : if you want your bug to be discussed, post in the bug section and tag it as a bug...)
In the InfoQube forum, we've implemented a simple way using the forum and Mantis.
Mantis is the developer's turf, but it can be browsed and issues can be added by anyone there. In reality, only a few users do take the time to do so and it's not a problem.
Anyway, the procedure goes like this :
1- Everything is discussed in the forum.
2- When something is "confirmed" (issue, important feature...), a-
it's entered in Mantis with the
thread's reference (hyperlink). Mantis isn't a place to discuss things (some discussions take place there, but they are extremely limited and focused)
a code is entered in the forum's threads title (so that's obvious that issues have been filed), c-the mantis issue ID is entered in the last post of the thread. (Obviously the mantis Id could just be added to the forums title thread too, so it would be a 2 steps process : a, b)
It looks complicated but it's not. it just means going through all bug reports and suggestions once a week (probably not much more than 10-20), and copy paste info from the forum to Mantis. Some of it could even be scripted (steps a, b). Once that is done, one can forget about the forum, and maybe just update the related threads with info when a serious bug has been fixed. But even that is generally unnecessary.
I think redundancy is probably not as bad as you make it sound.
E.g. : as you know accounting systems are based on efficient redundancy, and so is data security, etc. We just need a way to control it so that it doesn't become chaotic. Redundant material used as a "history" for verification purposes needs to be identified as such and then... forget about it, "archive" it (i.e. : let it sink in the forum's abyss).
No idea if this has any value... Sorry if I'm repeating the obvious or wasting your time.