30% is a pretty standard affiliate commission. Some go higher. At CJ you can give out up to 75%.
But Apple brings ZERO value to the table as a retailer. They don't *earn* that 30%. It's up to YOU to go out and get your customers. With 200,000 software titles in the Apple App Store (not "on" the app store because I speak English properly... but that's another rant), you are nothing but the long tail. And they want 30% to throw you in the long tail? Huh? YOU are still responsible to go out and spend the money, time, and effort to get the customers. And THEN they want a 30% cut from YOUR work AGAIN?
If Apple did jack to actually earn that 30%, it would be different. But it's not.
The whole thing boils down to YOU putting in all the work and they collect for doing nothing.
Now, if you have preferential placement in the store, like the first page or the top few in a category, well, I can see paying for that. But to be #4,832 of 12,356? That's just bullshit. And that's the bullshit piled on top of all their other bullshit, but as above, that... is another rant...