Man, wouldn't it be wonderful for a company to just start making cell phones that are blank slates, not tied to any carrier?-superboyac
Google did in '09 with the Nexus, and it promptly died when carriers pulled out after thinking about giving customers software choices. They found out they could charge for that stuff!
...the carriers decide that phones should be locked down (for supportability as well as for 'lock-in').-mwb1100
Hey, isn't that the same argument book publishers are making about ebooks? Small world.
That's very unfortunate. Shit. That's terrible. Just this weekend I was thinking how cool and amazing it would be if companies like Apple or the phone manufacturers started making completely open, touch screen devices. Basically, just a screen with an OS and nothing else. Then, each of the manufacturers or the consumers can take that device and use it for whatever specific purpose they needed by adding software to it. So, for example, I need an alarm clock...I go to the store, buy a small $100 touchscreen device, install the alarm software...BAM, dedicated alarm clock. How cool would that be? I could do the same for a bathroom radio, a remote control, etc. It's all about having the blank device, and having it be cheap enough where you can just dedicate them for each thing. With a $700 tablet, you don't want to just use it as an alarm clock because it's too expensive (even though I'd still be tempted to). But this would be way better than having to buy a real alarm clock that has 1/10th the features of a software alarm clock. This would be a terrific idea, and someone is going to do it and get rich relatively soon. i wish I could be the one.
The locking of these readers and tablets is very annoying. I just jailbroke my ipad this weekend, just so I can load the freaking awesome comic reader app called "Comic Reader Mobi". Oh my...reading comics on that thing is so fun! It can enlarge ONLY the text bubbles, and has a really cool magnifying lens feature. It is such an amazing application, I'm loving it. Now, this app was banned from itunes because it needed a convenient way to load those cbr cbz files onto it, which goes against the closed filesystem rules of Apple. So the guy just made it available as a jailbroken app only. But it kicks the butt of all the other "legit" comic readers out there. Just one example of how the restrictions are preventing the users from enjoying great innovation and convenience. The ipad is PERFECT for this kind of comic book reading.