Doe to some shenanigans the sales department is involved in, I have a brand new HP Slate sitting here in front of me. No I don't get to keep it. But I do get to play with it for a bit.
From on to the logon screen took just (barely) under a minute (with no AV installed). Yeesh!
This thing ain't fast. Even HP's own website lagged a bit while trying to navigate it.
This thing is heavy. Not as bad as most netbooks, but quite heavy after an hour of fiddling with it.
The touch screen encourages heavy handedness, as it doesn't respond well (or sometimes at all) to a lite touch. Stylue/pen/pointer thing works well, and has a right-click button on it. Which I did rather like.
The handwrighting input, best I can tell, hates (me) left handed people. As we tend to start certain letters/numbers from the bottom (o, 3, 8, etc.) instead of the top ... and this thing was having none of it. Even after a training session on what was to be perceived as an 'o' damnit. It just couldn't get it right.
The one usb port is covered by one of those rubber hinged plastic doors that'll most likely snap off in short order with anything other than casual use. And the lack of an ethernet port is a complete deal breaking annoyance for me. The WiFi connection is nice, but it is also completely useless if your purpose for being somewhere it to troubleshoot an issue the WiFi.