(This is not a criticism, just a comment):
From the discussion, it doesn't sound like many of you understand how truly different a tablet is from a laptop or a desktop. Comparing a tablet to a laptop is like comparing a compact car to a pickup truck. They are both cars, but practically speaking, they are entirely different animals. Nobody would compare the towing capability of a truck to a compact car...and then criticize the compact car for not being able to tow as much.
This is the transition people are going to make the next few years. I didn't "get it" myself until I used my ipad daily for a couple of months. Now I get it. A tablet is a handy thing to have while you are out and about. A laptop and desktop are more for gearing down and doing something relatively serious. It's more than just being "handy". There is most likely going to be a strong shift towards tablets the next few years, similar to what we've seen with laptops in recent years. When laptops first came out, the same things were said "But my desktop can do so much more for the same money". Now, a lot of non-hardcore computer users use laptops as their primary computing device. A similar shift is going to happen with tablets. People are going to forget about their desktops and laptops and just use tablets for everything.
Remember, most people are very light computer users compared to us. They check email, browse the web, chat a little bit, and that's it. That's really it. My own sister got an iphone and she has stopped using her desktop...like within a week. This is NORMAL.
So I have a hard time contributing to a discussion where people discuss laptops/desktops and tablets as if they are comparable. I just don't know what to say. Specs has nothing to do with it. There are motors in a lot of different equipment, but you wouldn't compare the motor of a copy machine with backup generator.
40...I know you don't like Apple, but the ipad easily lasts a workday on a battery charge. I don't think you'd be disappointed, unless it was purely a financial issue. I can't say for you whether it's worth the money or not, but I think I can say that you'd be happy with it.