It is a 180 degree turn from them. Developers should not be locked in to year old optimistic promises but they could easily have made transition easier to accept. There is no choice other than to bend over.
There is a site called or something like that. There a Roboform rep. say "In my 11 years at this company we have never charged for upgrades" blah blah. Without guaranteeing they have definitely sold Roboform on 1 time payment. Now all is changed, accept or find new tool. I would have chosen something in between if possible. Can see 7 is not just a polished 6 and also ok to pay for online sync but too many changes too fast

Also they are idiots, at least marketing dep. is.
I bet 90% of non-business users would be more than happy with a limited 7, most probably also without any online bank. Feature like log-in to applications is for the few.
Site is - may be a scam but am sure I saw the quote there I have also seen someone finding their old site in Google Cache where they clearly say "lifetime upgrades". Roboform acknowledge (on twitter) but say that was for older versions

New site, new version, new rules. Stupid way of dealing with customers.