Of course it's about money! I don't begrudge Siber Systems the need to generate some revenue but, as you point out Bamse, they should have been upfront about what they were doing.
I don't kinow - perhaps we DC'ers are a special breed and I live in fantasy land, but had Siber Systems somehow contacted its existing user base and explained both the necessity and the mechanics of the change, I think people would have been fine with it. Instead (AFAICT) they simply released v.7 and existing users updated only to discover that the Pro version was no longer activated. Not too swift (and a bit morally bankrupt, I think). All this has done is piss people off, particularly given that sticking with v.6 will be a viable option for only so long. Browser updates will likely render it useless - IE9 will be out soon and Firefox, Chrome, and Safari are updated frequently, so the window during which v.6 will remain viable will be very brief indeed.