, I've flirted with text editors for several years, but I didn't really delve into it like I normally do with software until recently. After a few months of playing around with a lot of the editors out there, I've settled. Editpad is the best text editor for me.
I'm not a programmer, so my needs are different from most of the people here who discuss their preferred text editors. I've cycled through EmEditor, Notepad++, Editpad, and Ultraedit. But in the end, Editpad wins out. Let me just briefly mention my favorite things about it, and maybe later I'll have to create a nice article for it on my website.
Editpad's interface is awesome. I love this programmer. It's clear that close attention has been paid to every little aspect of the interface. The icons are crisp, the dialogs are clear and intuitive. He's really gone out of his way to make it look good: I think he has programmed the visual elements on his own, and he didn't use stock stuff that programmers use. You can tell because things like the document tabs, icons, and certain dialogs are not "normal" looking. Very nice.
A lot of the text editors make handling all the different types of syntaxes, fonts, and visual elements too complicated. I know that it's a difficult thing to implement for programmers because there are so many things to consider. So I'm not saying the other programs don't do a good job, I just like the way Editpad Pro has done it. Simple.
I may not know programming, but i can tell when a programmer goes the extra distance. This guy goes the extra distance. It's like he won't stand for just the standard default stuff. He WILL custom code things to get it just right. I love that. He's definitely in my short list of preferred programmers.