I updated to latest Everything Search version and it's still reluctant to let go at times. Seems rather silly to be opening and closing network connections and programs when there's not a copy or other activity other than change monitoring in progress. It's starting to get old fast.-MilesAhead
I don't use a docking station, I always thought they were a silly idea - what's the point of having hot-swappable drives if you've still got to kill the power on the docking station? My friend has 3 or 4 docking stations, every one of them you have to kill the power before changing the drive.
I use two of
these. Using USR or Zentimo to eject and then pull the drive out, as I said, I can't remember the last time Everything stopped me removing the drives. That beta has been out for 12 months and is pretty stable.
So just to get this straight in my head:
Docking station connected to remote pc, you share a folder on it and then map it from your local pc which is running Everything and is therefore trying to index everything on the remote mapped, shared folder ?
Does it release if Everything is configured to not index that mapped volume ?
What happens if you turn on USN Journal logging but turn off Monitor Changes ? Is it really necessary for changes to be monitored on the mapped drive ?
I believe the database will be updated the next time the drive is mapped.
Do you need Everything to index the mapped drive ?
If you don't need Everything to index the drive then one idea is map the shared folder using SUBST.
eg. subst M: "\\\some\folder"
Even though Everything sees the drive it doesn't index it, (well, here it doesn't), and then remove the mapping with:
subst M: /D
Alternatively if you need the remote drive indexed, why not run Everything on the remote pc and use its HTTP interface ?
http://user:[email protected]:8082/?s=<search phrase>