Ever since 10.1 was released, I am getting notifications to update Flash all over the place. My home pc, my work pc, friends pc's, all my laptops. And I swear i've updated all of them, even though I'm not really keeping track. I just updated firefox, and after it reloads, it tells me that firefox is updated, but flash isn't. Now, I know for sure I've updated my home PC, so I don't understand. Either Adobe keeps updating Flash with weekly builds, or there is something wrong here. Of course, they give no easy indication what version you are using and what the latest one is, nor when the last time you updated was. All I know is I'd like to just stop hearing about my fucking flash being out of date. I don't give a shit anymore. if it's out of date, so be it...I don't want to hear about it until there's an issue I have to fix or something. Now they're using version updates as an advertising method. And since it's not a real ad, it makes users timid about turning it "off" because it's masked as a security risk or deadly issue. I'm so sick of it all...
In my current condition, if I were the java update, I'd be afraid to show my face right about now. I'd probably go nuclear on its ass. yeah Java, you're next...don't be poking your head out anytime soon buddy.