Hi Folks,
Oh, there is also the genre of search and replace programs, since they are likely to have a find file program as part of their function.
One seems to fit the above list quite well, I actually used it a while back. Even though it was developed years ago, its usage was quite solid and pleasant.
InfoRapid Search and Replace - Ingo Straub (Germany) - Last Update - 2003 - no forum
http://www.inforapid...ml/searchreplace.htmFree for non-commercial use
On top of the 17 freebies (any missed of significance ?) you have:
File Managers
Perhaps a few of those are fast and strong, I mentioned Total Commander is slow, Xyplorer might be fast. One of the reasons for this summary was that for most of us the file managers will be chosen on other criteria. However if a few are truly top-notch on "find files" it would be worth a note. Personally I would be more likely to switch to that file manager.
Search and Replace programs, Disk Catalog programs (often designed for CD's) Dup File Finders and File Compare programs and general file utility programs.
None that I have seen (usually just the screenshot and short discussion) so far seem have the clarity of the search programs, where the issue is simply finding all instances of a file name .. fast. (And perhaps doing basic functions on the file .. viewing, executing, etc.)
Except.. mentioned above p.12
BareGrep (free w/startup splash screen) & BareGrepPro - Bare Metal Software (Australia) 2006 last ver-no forum
http://www.baremetal...m/baregrep/index.phpDocFetcher - Open Source - Freeware (p. 18 in thread and lots of good discussion with Qforce)
http://sourceforge.n....php?forum_id=702423AutoFocus - (Netherlands) Open Source - Freeware
http://www.aduna-sof...ofocus/overview.viewrexCrawler - Todd Boyd - free for personal use - no forum (p.21 in thread)
http://sites.google.com/site/rexcrawler/That can be #18 & 19 & 20 & 21 for freeware-file-name-find consideration.
And as mentioned in the intro, the heavy-weights multi-function desktop searches are a different puppy. Since they tend to be overkill for the simple function.
And any rate these are major freeware full-desktop-search programs. Not the programs like Archivarius and the direct X1 and dtSearch ($200)
Copernic Desktop Search Home (Free, Professional $50 per license) - no forum
http://www.copernic....arch/home/index.htmlCompare Versions
http://www.copernic....rch/cds-compare.htmlYahoo Desktop Search (X1)
http://forums.x1.com/viewforum.php?f=27Google Desktop Search
http://www.googlecom...ty.com/forum-33.htmlAsk Jeeves (browser-style) - No Forum
http://sp.ask.com/en...sktop/overview.shtmlMicrosoft Windows Search 4.0
http://social.msdn.m...psearchhelp/threads/Windows Search 4.0 & Windows Desktop Search 3.01 downloads & updates (Add-ons)
http://beqiraj.com/w...ows/search/index.asp Users could indicate whether they are too bulky for the simple tasks, or maybe one or two are totally competent.
Well, while we are here, some of the paid version best-by-test.
And for X1 the free version will be acceptable to many.
X1 Professional Client - $50 - 30-day trial then restricted version, probably ok for many
(PST Archive discussion above p.3 - PST = Outlook ) Is X1 Limited == Yahoo X1. Identical ?
http://forums.x1.com/ Blog
http://blog.x1.com/Archivarius 3000 - Likasoft - $40 - no forum
http://www.likasoft.com/dtSearch - 30-day evaluation $200
http://www.dtsearch.com/Yahoogroups - (also one for developers, one for news)
http://tech.groups.y...;sec=group&slk=1Page 10 and later -- discussion.
The next mention is a few of the paid search tools that might be worth a look for some even for the simpler searches. And you can find a few above where there are both professional versions and freeware versions.
Master Find - Rose City Software - shareware - $15 - no forum
http://www.rosecitys...ware.com/MasterFind/Search GT - Isatech - shareware - $20 - no forum (discussion starts p.11)
http://www.search-gt.com/index.htmlFindOnClick - 2BrightSparks - shareware - $30 for group of utilities (p.15 favorable post for full search and response)
http://www.2brightsp...com/onclick/foc.htmlLookDisk 2.95 - Vincenzo Iuorno - Singapore (2006 freeware)
http://www.fxsearch.com/ldw_eng/LookDisk - Iconico - Shareware $30 - ver 4.2
http://www.iconico.c...geList.aspx?forum=33Sowsoft - Effective File Search - 30-day trial version - $30
http://www.sowsoft.com/search.htmInstand Document Search - $30
http://www.sowsoft.c.../document-search.htmFile Search Assistant - Aks-labs - $70
http://www.aks-labs....B2/viewforum.php?f=4Disk Search Assistant -Aks-Labs $40 (not on main site)
http://www.disk-search.com/Desktop Find Professional (Italy) $80 - $125 - no forum
http://www.finddesktop.com/PowerGrep - JG Soft (Just Great Software - Thailand) $150 - 15-day trial - no forum
http://www.powergrep.com/Now we go into Enterprise-land. Note this first one has a free version.
SearchInform Desktop (Free, Standard $49, Professional $200)
http://www.searchinf...hinform-desktop.htmlISys Search Software - Desktop 9 - 14-day trial, price undisclosed, resellers, enterprise
http://forums.isys-search.com/phpbb2/Gaviri Digital Home SearchOS - $40 (NJ - USA) also Professional, Enterprise, OEM - no forum
http://www.gaviri.co...network-searchos.phpSome more might be findable from the Goebel Group articles (they sell a Google gadget, some database tools, etc).
Desktop Search Tools Matrix
http://www.goebelgro...om/desktopmatrix.htmSearch Appliance Matrix
http://www.goebelgroup.com/sam.htmCompare Microsoft Live Search Products
http://www.goebelgro...search_portfolio.htmAnd there might be more in the 25-pages above.

Ok, now all skimmed, a few additions made.
And another interesting read with an auxiliary product to Microsoft search.
Evaluation of desktop search applications - Michael Lowe
http://www.kalio.inf...p_Search_Comparison/Visual Desktop Search - freeware
http://www.kalio.inf...sual_Desktop_Search/ Shalom,
Steven Avery