The thing that p****s me off about WDS is that it's extremely random as to whether or not it will index my documents. I'm on Win 7 but have partitioned my drive into C: for windows and apps and E: for documents, settings, and mail. I suspect that therein lies the source of my problem. I reinstalled the latest version of X1, was thrilled/surprised to find that my license still works, and it's been flawless. My only quibble is that my harddrive and fan both go nuts every so often, I expect when X1 is updating. I also installed the latest versions of Archivarius and dtSearch. Settled on X1 because it creates an index that is 30% smaller than dtSearch and half the size of the one created by Archivarius. X1 also integrates with the search bar in the start menu.
Honestly, I'm not sure if I'm going to stick with it, though. Time will tell...