Thanks to a pingback i've found this nice thread.
First thanks all for the feedback, some answer:
1) Yes i know my English is not so good :/
2) I use Gentoo at work on my laptop, XUbuntu at home and Debian 5.0 on the PC of my GF. At work i use Suse enterprise and Red Hat Enterprise.
3) Regarding the virus: My experience with user that don't know a lot of computers is that on windows they have more problems.
4) I've installed just 4 Linux (all Ubuntu) to people that don't know much of informatics, and yes they ask me when they need something more complex than usual, but in general they would have done the same also on Windows.
5) Linux: no more pirates but legality -> On Linux repository you have so much software that you can at least "try" to use all legal software, on my computers with Linux i've no illegal software. When i go to home user that use windows to help them reinstall one of the first things they crack is Office, second is photoshop, and they could use openoffice (yes i know there is on windows too) or The Gimp and get the same results.
People working with specific software (graphics, music, your choice) could have to use specific software that run on specific platform.
6) I agree liveCD are nice
7) At last on HubPages i try to give a general overview of Linux and don't drill down too much on tech things, on my blog i try to do also some more specific howto (shameless Ads).