Superboyac, I don't own an iPad and have no plans to buy one, but I came upon an article today entitled "Five iPad Applications I Can't Live Without...and Why" that I thought you might find useful. It was on the ProfHacker blog at
Thanks! I love the descriptions of those apps. I was moving away from the ipad, but now I want to try those out. I think I've pretty much figured out what I want from my new device:
--$1000 max ($700 preferred)
--very fast boot or "on" time. If there's any significant delay, I'd just prefer to use my fully featured laptop
--Simple on-the-run applications: notetaking is a must (evernote, I was thinking), web browsing of course, file viewing and reading (pdf's, ebooks, text files, usb or files explorer), music/video playing for when bored or on the toilet, wifi mandatory but I don't need any cell phone services at all.
I have an uber computer at home, a good work computer, and a laptop. I need something else that is an instant-on cell-phone-like device, but with a bigger screen. The ipad is really just the thing. The only problem is it being an Apple product. i'd much prefer a more customizeable environment. But that's the tradeoff. I don't believe I can have everything that I am used to on a pc (and I have LOTS of stuff) and expect to have all that on a tablet. i really want it as my out and about toy. That's all.
The other thing is that I don't want to wait too long because then I'll just wait forever. if something great comes out later, i'll get that also regardless of whether I have an ipad or not. And the money is a gift, and though I can invest it like a "smart" person would, I wouldn't be following the intent of the gift. I want to get an unnecessary item...a absurd/expensive toy. I'm far too boring and practical 99% of the time.
I think I have settled on the 32gb or 64gb ipad (wifi, NO 3g). That's either $600 or $700.
I'd much prefer to get an Android thing. But one thing I want to experience for ONCE in my life as a pc user is a super-duper-smooth interface. i don't want any hint of klunkiness. And we can all agree that Apple is the king when it comes to that. The android tablets, from everything I've heard, still don't offer the smoothness of an ipad.
Believe me, I hate the thought of buying an Apple product more so than anyone. But I'm sticking to my guns: i want a pleasure-filled, super smooth, no tweaking necessary interface just once.
I'll wait until October, maximum. Then I'm buying. october is my birthday anyway.