I've read a couple of chapters from Simply Javascript (they were giving away two chapters as a PDF download a while back, it might be worth investigating if they still are), and from what I've seen it is a fantastic book for today's Javascript beginner, a necessary update to the pile of now-worthless Javascript books that popped up during the document.writeln era.
So does this mean the books are on are sale until they are eliminated, or does it mean when there is a winner, there is a sale? (EDIT: Never mind, I read the first post, and I see it is a little of both. And a freebie! )
The two chapters are still available (as always, this is how they reel you in). It says on the site they are available at the discount until they are knocked out of the running. So if you want this one and believe Spain will win, rather jQuery will win
, then you will want to buy it now while it is 83% off ($4.95 USD). Note, however, this is ONLY for the PDF versions. IF you want a hardcopy, you will either need to print it yourself (if it is not prohibited) or pay the full price for the book.
Note, either jQuery or Simply JavaScript will be available free on the 11/12th of July for 24 hours. So if you are a gambler, wait until then to pick up jQuery since Spain is going to win.
(Deo said it, not me!
Thanks for the heads up App, I already bought Simply JavaScript. At that price it is hard to pass up.