This thread (and similar ones) is just incredibly frustrating...
It just fuels my gear-lust. I really want to get an ebook reader, but... Sigh... I already spend an absolute fortune on tech already. So this is one of those things that I WANT, but don't really really need.
Still, gear-lust as it is... I find myself justifying buying one with all kinds of rationalizations. The most powerful rationalization at the moment is to buy an iPad, use it as an ebook reader, and justify the expense by developing software for it and recouping the costs there. But I know that I'm not going to be developing anything for it for a few months anyways as I've still got iPhone, Mac, and Windows development that I need to get done in addition to a few web applications that I need to get up and running.
And I really must buy a new phone... Which is a higher priority at the moment, and is going to be a significant expense yet again. (Drooling over the HTC Desire HD at the moment, but it looks like Australia is a bit behind the times and it's not quite yet available.)
Sigh... I guess I'll be drooling over ebook readers for a while to come...
So please do continue to post experiences and reviews~!