Usual Suspects blew my mind when I first saw it. I still remember watching it: i was home from college, and the premium channels (HBO, Cinemax) were having one of those free preview weekends. It was late, like 2am in the morning. This movie I'd never heard of came on, usual suspects. So I was watching it and half falling asleep, but it started getting really interesting. Then the ending came and i was blown away. One of the most fun movie experiences ever. My other top movie experiences were The Game, Jerry Maguire, and Gladiator. not because of the movies necessarily, but the experience (I have stories for all of them).
I miss the days when going to the movies was really special and fun. I know I sound one like one of those old geezer back in the day types, but I do miss that. In college, there were always sneak previews of movies, and for broke college kids, that was really fun. The anticipation, not knowing what the movie was about AT ALL, all the was good stuff.