i had this in the back of my mind all along and you've prompted me to do it, daddydave

& /::
Send {AppsKey
} h
& LButton::
Send {AppsKey
} h
so, if a file is highlighted:
capslock and ? will display "open with"
Ctrl + left mouse click will display "open with"
not brilliant, you'll get the idea. would be nice if it was just the "open with" menu that appeared all on it's own.
forgot to say, this is just something i've taken out of a bigger script so the capslock key is always off unless i hold down capslock + shift to turn it on.
can't really think of any extra features at the moment. i was probably jumping the gun there; i forgat that there's an add more programs at the bottom of the "open with" menu. maybe if each item was prefixes with a number so you could just hit that to open the program would be good.
when using the ctrl + left mouse to open the menu, it would probably be good to use the scroll wheel to select a program from the list. i might be able to do that - if my autohotkey skills hold out.