Here is a whole page listing of freeware skinnable launchers:
http://www.skinnable...hp?section=launchersApps listed are: Codename 2, ControlBar, Flarp!Bar, KdeNT, Launchit, Nightlife, PKLauncher, PKMenu, Quick Menu, & QuickLaunch.
Descriptions and links are all there.
I know of one not listed: Launchtab themes often have unique menus/launchers.
Interested in some ideas from them? has a pre-dock-like thing too., LiteStep, BlackBox, SharpE, GeoShell, and Winstep have sweet start menu replacements.
bblean: a true app, but kmr made a thing called html dock:
http://www.virtualpl...rum=3&thread=208That should add a few tricks to the mix. I'll see if I can think of more. I'm actually a admin at, deskmod, and have special privileges here and there. I'm a news poster for the skinning community. I'm looking forward to testing this app out and hope I get a chance to report on it soon. Just say the word, and the word will be spread. I'm going to go rack my brain for more ideas for now though. Hope I can be useful.