Unfortunately it seems, this is the only clock, compatible with Windows 10... Except some buggy 1st-Clock, hardly customizable, having problems with unicode and asking for money : )
I was unable to find an existing backend, but guess the following should work when added to AlarmNextTimestamp()
if (api.GetInt(g_alarmkey, L"Once", 0) && api.GetInt(g_alarmkey, L"Day", 0) && api.GetInt(g_alarmkey, L"Month", 0)) {
int month = api.GetInt(g_alarmkey, L"Month", 0) - 1;
if (tm.tm_mon > month) ++tm.tm_year;
tm.tm_mday = api.GetInt(g_alarmkey, L"Day", 0);
tm.tm_mon = month;
Actually I tried it with regedit and it seems to work.
Then only two more texboxes on alarm settings page are needed to make it work somehow... I can try to add them myself... But I've never deal with UI in c++. But that might be an interesting challenge : )