Yesterday I found my old IDE hard drive which I plugged into a USB enclosure - it worked fine, 200GB verified as OK, so I started copying files to the drive as a backup.
Then a separate activity caused my PC to lockup, and I had to hit the power switch to restart.
Now the external HD is not recognised by WinXP, Ubuntu, or any of the HD recovery apps on Hiren's Boot CD.
The drive does power up and spins without making any aweful noises, but when the OS tries to access it, merely cycles endlessly through a 4 or 5 second loop of whirs and clicks.
I've tried a 2nd USB enclosure but get the same results.
Is it really dead? It feels to me that the MBR is corrupt and I just need to find a way to reformat and all will be well?
Any ideas how to achieve this?