Hi folks, having just spent the last 2-3 days scanning 1800 slides I am in need of some software, (preferably free), to automate the next process.
All(?!) that is required is the ability to batch run a Photoshop compatible filter, (Polaroid's Dust & Scratch), over all the images and save to JPG output from TIFF input.
While I'd lose some quality over the final output compared to running the standalone version of the filter, I don't mind because this is purely a BTN archival purpose.
Sounds simple but the programs I've tried don't seem work too well handling 8bf filters externally. Most either don't work at all or don't support 8bf filters in their batch commands.
XNView - Becomes unresponsive and doesn't handle 8bf in batch commands.
Image Analayzer - Same as XNView.
GIMP - Couldn't even work out how to use it on the image, (image processing software isn't a high priority function of my existance).
Paint.com - Mentioned in a DC thread, it did work but can't do batch processing.
IrfanView - Same as XNView.
I don't particularly want to learn Photoshop's wierd and wonderful way of doing things, (nor do a massive download just to see if it'll do it), since I'll likely never use it again.
So, anyone have any suggestions?
Or if anyone knows of a freeware image processor that can do Dust & Scratch removal as good as Polaroid's I'll be happy with that too