More on converting to Excel Timestamp.
I found, somewhat to my embarrassment, that AM/PM and the fact that noon is labeled as 12:00PM not 00:00 PM exported info fouled up my prior Excel timestamp. The following does work (I know it's ugly, but it's necessary), assuming that the exported timestamp is in A4.
=DATE(LEFT(A4,4),MID(A4,6,2),MID(A4,9,2))+ TIME( IF( AND(RIGHT(A4,2)="PM",VALUE(MID(A4,14,2))<12),MID(A4,14,2)+12,MID(A4,14,2) ), MID(A4,17,2),MID(A4,20,2))
It would be MUCH cleaner to export the time in military (24 hour) units.