OK, so I'm having a little play around with this program, running beta102 and the NirSoft and SysInternals utils all work fine.
So I thought, "I know, I'll add
Roadkil's utils as well!"
After duly downloading and extracting them into their own 'roadkil' sub-directory, I then started to edit a roadkil.nlp file based on the sysinternals.nlp - seemed easy enough.
Famous last words.......
It must the old woods and trees thing because no matter how I stare at the roadkil.nlp I just can't see what the problem is. Whenever I add the package to NirLauncher I get the following:
NirLauncher tools packageThe package has no name, there are no software group buttons and it just lists whatever package was last displayed
So, would some kind soul like to stare at the file and tell me where I've gone wrong please.
@kingsmob77: Have you released your DC package yet? Then I'll have another .nlp file I can stare and not see the problem with mine