I'm really enjoying the instant switchover to an open window. There is one thing that I'd like to mention, by way of ease of use, and this involves integration of Plugins more so than the FaRRAltTab plugin per se', I guess. I have a hotkey of Alt-Space for FARR and Ctrl-Space for FaRRAltTab. Sometimes, I hit one when I meant the other, and I don't think it's because I can't remember which is which: The thing is, in my mind, at least, I associate FARR as being the one go-to place to change modes/do something different. I don't really care if it's run a new program or switch to one that's already open. The reason I switched to FARR from a combination of AHK scripts, SlickRun, Launchy, Switcher, etc. is that I really think it can be the "one ring that binds them all" - and, with plugins, it definitely can be.
But somehow I see this function as something that would ideally fit within the heuristics scoring of FARR. It already searches aliases, the file system, plugins, etc. - why not running apps/open windows? If you don't like it, turn it off or set the score really low; if you love it, set the score high. I'm only speaking idealistically here, of course, not from a program complexity standpoint...
Is it possible for a plugin to add to FARR's internal search path?