This is a series of screenshots intended to give a taste of what
FarrFolders (
latest at the time of this writing) can do.
Credits: FarrFolders was conceived of/developed by cardboard42 and rulfzid -- with contributions from others: mouser, nitrix-ud, skajfes, and TucknDar (if I missed someone or didn't credit appropriately, please let me know). Please see this topic for details.While interfacing with a save dialog, have you ever thought: "I wish I could just use FARR to find the folder to save to!". Well, you can with FarrFolders

1. About to click on a link to download this interesting looking application...
FarrFolders Demo2. Time to confirm the download.
FarrFolders Demo3. Hmm, none of these easily accessible save locations look good...
FarrFolders Demo4. I'll bring up FARR, find the directory to save to, apply the FarrFolders magic (+fao), press the Enter key and...
FarrFolders Demo5. Lo and behold! FARR has changed the directory in the save dialog box

FarrFolders Demo