1. I manually entered a string value with a location to my Files2Folder.exe to use it's icon. Looks more nice in the context menu. Maybe ask users upon installation?-hairypaulsack
I'll consider this. Which hive/key/value did you add?
I just went to 'HKCR\*\shell\Files 2 Folder' key (the folder; drop targets and added a new string value with NAME = 'Icon' and 'C:\%USERPROFILE%\[ Alt. Program Files ]\Files 2 Folder\Files2Folder.exe,0' as the DATA.
Just like you can throw a string value with 'Extended' to make any \shell context menu item show up on the extended (SHIFT + RIGHT CLICK) context menu \shellex, you can add an Icon string value with Data pointing to your choice of icon just like when doing so when right clicking on the properties of a shortcut.
For some reason it will only take the this default icon, at least on my computer. Normally it follows default icon syntax parameters by allowing you to pick from any of the multiple icons that are usually made available with each .exe file.
"Icon"="\"C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3\sublime_text.exe,0
You can see I'm using the 0th icon from the sublime file, the initial icon. If you used the SHELL32.DLL icon set by pointing at '%SystemRoot%\system32\SHELL32.dll' there are like 100 icons packed in this file. I'm sure you know most of this it's just cool stuff for anyone reading.
Here is my exported key
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Files 2 Folder]
"Icon"="\"C:\\Users\\%USERPROFILE%\\[ Alt. Program Files ]\\Files 2 Folder\\Files2Folder.exe\""
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Files 2 Folder\DropTarget]
There are plenty of programs that do this for you and much more, but what is driving me nuts is HOW DO YOU MAKE A FREAKING DIVIDER???? All I know is another tag just like 'Icon' and 'Extended' to make it show it the top where AMD CCC hangs, the middle, or the bottom where Gadgets, Display Settings, Person.... - respectively TOP MIDDLE and BOTTOM