I'm running I'm running: Linux Debian /lenny2 OpenSSL/0.9.8g
KEY WITH SPACES: What is the proper way to /blowkey #channel if the key has spaces in it?
Doing this /blowkey #channel i am the key , sets key to: i
Doing this: /blowkey #channel 'i am the key' , sets key to: 'i etc.
I finally just edited the blowssi.conf and put that key in myself- works.
NOT DECRYPTING ALL USERS: I can't read all users.. they just aren't decrypted (they can read me).. and for those that I can't read they have before their text: mcps.. if that matters?. Where I have before my text in non cbc key channels: ebc, and in cbc key channels: cbc
example (channel not using cbc: in their key):
<Me{ecb}> testing
<@User1> mcps 47mZ81W/Ra9/NtcTzL0898.Z1KX1.4ItNZ0AOzp9/nsngD.XvAGK0
<@User1> mcps qw/3z./Bl.
<@User1> mcps v.K971Ojq9Wgl606IUzj0it1lL1Bqx3R1oSh39/zXK.JHpOW/
<Me{ecb}> I can't read you
<User2{ecb}> test
AUTOLOAD: What is the proper way to have it autoload/or accessible for all users?
I have installed irssi system wide (as root). According to the README to have blowssi autoload:
pico /root/.irssi/startup (this is where it is for me)
/load ~/.irssi/scripts/blowssi.pl
When I start irssi up as a user it didn't autoload.
So then I:
cp /root/blowssi-0.0.2/blowssi.pl /usr/share/irssi/scripts/blowssi.pl
mkdir /usr/share/irssi/scripts/autorun
ln -s /usr/share/irssi/scripts/blowssi.pl /usr/share/irssi/scripts/autorun/blowssi.pl
Still didn't autoload.
I issue the cmd as user: /load ~/.irssi/scripts/blowssi.pl
get error the file not in my home dir. So finally I just set it up in my home dir:
mkdir /home/me/.irssi/scripts
mkdir /home/me/.irssi/scripts/autorun
cp /root/blowssi-0.0.2/blowssi.pl /home/me/.irssi/scripts/blowssi.pl
ln -s /home/me/.irssi/scripts/blowssi.pl /home/me/.irssi/scripts/autorun/blowssi.pl
Still didnt auto load, but it did accept the cmd: /load ~/.irssi/scripts/blowssi.pl
Thank you!
PS. I'm pretty sure I've installed all that is needed: dpkg -l
For perl
perl 5.10.0-19 Larry Wall's Practical Extraction and Report Language
perl-base 5.10.0-19 minimal Perl system
perl-doc 5.10.0-19 Perl documentation
perl-modules 5.10.0-19 Core Perl modules
For Crypt::ircBlowfish
libcrypt-cbc-perl 2.29-1 Implementation of cipher block chaining (CBC) mode
libcrypt-blowfish-perl 2.10-1+b1 Blowfish cryptography for Perl
For Crypt::CBC
libcrypt-blowfish-perl 2.10-1+b1 Blowfish cryptography for Perl
libcrypt-cbc-perl 2.29-1 Implementation of cipher block chaining (CBC) mode
For MIME:Base64
libmime-types-perl 1.24- Perl extension for determining MIME types and Transfer Encoding
perl-modules 5.10.0-19 Core Perl modules