Thanks to ydrAh in
https://www.donation...dex.php?topic=1849.0 I discovered!!! This really IS Internet radio for EVERY taste!
Based on "The Music Genome Project" (read for more details) you will choose one artist you like and will be presented with similar artists.
There were several services that gave you a list of similar artists before, but is way better: it automatically creates your own personal radio station(s)! Check the screenshots:
On the first screenshot, (1) brings you to the "Favorite Songs" page I'll discuss further down. (2) allows you to 'move' the player out of the browser (works in IE and Firefox) - scroll images to the very right if you use a low resolution: - Internet radio for EVERY taste! FREE!
On the next screenshot, you see the player now in an external window:
(1) Your stations - you can just click "Create a New Station" to do so
(2) Showing "thumbs up" - meaning that I rated the tune (explanation further below)
(3) Showing album covers (if available)
(4) Here you can set the volume, pause the playing stream (try that with a regular station!) and skip to the next title
(5) The "Guide Us" button will be explained further below - Internet radio for EVERY taste! FREE!
The "Guide Us" button will show you the following, where you are able to influence the tunes that will be played by rating them (thumb up or down), you also can get info about "why is this song playing" and add more kinds of music to that station: - Internet radio for EVERY taste! FREE!
When you not click the "Guide Us" button but instead left-click one of the displayed album covers, you'll get to see the following menu, where you - among other things - also can rate the tune: - Internet radio for EVERY taste! FREE!
One more screenshot - this one shows you the "Favorite Songs" page I mentioned at the first screenshot:
(1) Clicking on an artist name here will bring you to the famous site, which has LOTS of info about virtually every artist
(2) Link to the album @ Amazon
(3) Link to buy the song @ iTunes - Internet radio for EVERY taste! FREE!
Convinced? Visit yourself!

Remember, it's free!
Not convinced? Please reply, tell me why not.

Disclaimer: No, I'm neither related to pandora nor do I benefit when you sign up there. I just like great sotware and services!

By the way, did you read
https://www.donation...dex.php?topic=1167.0 yet?