OK, here's what we have so far. The developer has responded
http://resource.dopus.com/viewtopic.php?p=6745#6745 to say that this isn't an option currently but is in the works for a future version. One of the moderators also responded to Hirudin's question about Win-E and asked that I pass on his remarks:
"I noticed another question within the same thread. Please could you pass back my answer:
I have a layout that I would like to be opened every time I open DO, no matter if I press WIN+E, double click the desktop, open with the tray icon, or with a shortcut. How do I use the same layout for everything?
If you go to Preferences / Double-Click / Desktop there are options which allow you to set the desktop double-click and the tray-icon double-click to open a specific layout.
To create a shortcut to a layout go to Preferences / Layout / Saved Layouts and drag the layout from the list to a directory.
That leaves the Win-E shortcut which you cannot change. Win-E always goes to My Computer by definition. This isn't an Opus thing but a Windows thing and, as far as I know, cannot be changed. I think if you try and override Win-E then it won't work (Windows gets to and swallows the keypress before anything else).
Opus does let you define other hotkeys which can be system-global (i.e. Opus doesn't have to be the active program when you press them) and which can open a layout or do whatever you want. If you go to Customize / Keys in Opus you'll see there's already a Win-O hotkey which opens a new lister (go new). You could change this, or add a different hotkey, to open a specific layout.
If the layout is called "moo" then the command to open it would be Prefs LAYOUT=moo"
Hope this helps clarify things for Carol and for Hirudin.