Hello there,
I guess many people know this problem: You often stumble across articles online which you don't have time to read immediately (e.g. when checking your RSS feeds at work).
So I came up with the idea to have a tiny program that scans the clipboard for URLs and then assembles them in a simple HTML file. So whenever you come across such an article (or anything else of interest), you just copy the URL to the clipboard and it will be added to your toRead.html.
In fact, a friend had already written such a program for me (in C/C++), but it's got some flaws (e.g. not recognizing FTP links) and missing features (e.g. no way to delete an entry without manually re-creating the whole list).
I've also tried to create such a program myself using AutoHotkey, but I guess I'm not gifted enough to finish it...
However, if you decide to take on this idea, I could provide you with the source codes of both these attempts.
In that case, I could also give you with a list of features to consider.
Comments are appreciated!