Edit: Btw 40hz, how would you rate Gentoo's documentation to SUSE and Fedora? Superior or inferior. I generally hear that Gentoo has more and easier to find free documentations.
-Paul Keith
Wouldn't really know since I don't do much with Gentoo any more. What Gentoo documentation I have seen is very detailed and quite good.
From various forum posts, I think our resident Gentoo expert is
f0dder. How about it
f0dder? Can you help Paul out with this one?
Beyond Gentoo:
Fedora/Suse documentation =
meh unless you spring for a 3rd party book. The Sams
Unleashed series are pretty good for general reading if you go that route.
A more technical intro is
A Practical Guide to Redhat Linux by Mark G. Sobell. This book also covers Fedora and RHEL.
And of course there's also the
O'Reilly Books for when you get beyond beginner, or are looking for more focused information. Their Apache, Sendmail, and Samba titles are still the standards. Check out the
Hacks series for good quick & dirty reference books on the various distros.
Ubuntu Hacks solves 90% of the problems you'll run into when you first get started with Ubuntu.
Best book for NIX bar none is the 1040-page
Linux Administration Handbook by Nemeth, Snyder, & Hein. Now in it's second edition, this is
the book for when you want to really know what you're doing. Techy, solid, and dense, but still remarkably readable material. An excellent book for your second year with Linux. Beg, borrow, buy or steal a copy of this book.