Haven't seen anyone mentions it, but Index Your Files is my choice - by far. [www.indexyourfiles.com] Download link:
http://www.freewaref...a_program_32912.htmlI am indexing Four Drives on the WAN, plus my local hard drive -- a total of over *1 million* files. Program creates five separate databases that I can mix-and-match as I wish when searching (search Local C Drive and Network K Drive, for instance, or just one drive, for another instance).
I update the index each day at 8:30 AM -- and really don't notice that much of a performance hit at all. The index updating over the WAN is really unnoticeable since it is not local and I really don't notice when it is updating the Local Drive.
Takes a *long* time to search for text in files, particularly if your database is large, like mine, because contents are not indexed (Duh...). Searching for just files is lightning fast:
AND, you can preview some files in a Preview Pane within the program. So far, this is the pass/fail list on "previewing" (results may also depend on the "viewers" I have enabled, so your mileage may vary...) in my testing:
PDF - Pass
XLS - Fail
DOC - Sort of Pass. Can view text.
DWG - Fail
JPG - Pass
BMP - Pass
GIF - Pass
PNG - Pass
MP3 - Pass
FLV - Pass
MPG - Pass
AVI - Pass
WMV - Pass
ZIP - Fail
As you can see, I like the program...